Transferring to UNC System Institutions

UNC System Institutions


As you plan for a transfer to one of the University of North Carolina institutions, here are some highlights of the resources you'll find in this section of

  1. Transfer Guides
    NC Community College students can use Transfer Guides to identify community college course recommendations that align with both associate degree requirements at their community college and bachelor’s degree requirements at UNC institutions. The Transfer Guide Search Feature on CFNC allows students to find Transfer Guides for specific UNC universities and/or majors of interest.
  2. Transfer Agreements
    Transfer agreements allow you to make a smoother transfer because institutions have already agreed on how courses will transfer and related policies such as the minimum grade you'll need to earn on courses you want to transfer.  
  3. Reverse Transfer
    The Reverse Transfer Program is here to help if you transfer from a community college in North Carolina to a UNC System university before finishing your associate degree.
  4. Transfer Assured Admission Policy (TAAP)
    If you've met all transfer standards in the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement, and you were denied admission to a UNC institution, you can use TAAP for assistance in finding admission to another UNC institution.

Find additional information in the Transfer Students section of UNC System website.