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North Carolina's Reverse Transfer Program

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Did you know you can earn an Associate Degree while completing your Bachelor's Degree?

The Reverse Transfer Program is here to help if you transfer from a community college in North Carolina to a UNC System university before finishing your associate degree. It allows you to use credits earned at both the community college and university to complete your associate degree. This ensures you get recognized for your hard work. Each university has its own rules and benefits for participating in the program.  Review details on the Reverse Transfer site, and talk to the University Registrar’s Office to learn more.

So, why should you participate in the Reverse Transfer Program if you're already pursuing a bachelor's degree?

The number one reason is that you may have already earned an associate degree! Another reason is the potential increase in future earnings.  Earning an associate degree can contribute to your earning power and is a marketable credential for your resume, immediately.

Life Happens!

Life doesn't always go as planned, but obtaining a college degree is important in today's competitive job market. The Reverse Transfer Program can make sure you receive the degree you may have already earned.