Contact a CFNC Associate Outreach Director

The CFNC Outreach team leads efforts across the state to inform the public about College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC) services and provide you with resources.

Amy Denton - Northeast

Phone - 252.402.6157
Facebook - Amy at CFNC
Instagram - amyatcfnc

[email protected]
Brenda Valdez - Western

Phone - 828.712.9840
Facebook - Brenda at CFNC
Instagram - brendaatcfnc

[email protected]
Takeila Hall - Piedmont-Triad

Phone - 336.402.5622
Facebook - Takeila at CFNC
Instagram - takeilaatcfnc

[email protected]
Skip Watts - Northwest

Phone - 828.337.7939
Facebook - Skip at CFNC
Instagram - skipatcfnc

[email protected]
Timeka Ruffin - Southwest

Phone - 704.281.3437
Facebook - Timeka at CFNC
Instagram - timekaatcfnc

[email protected]
Sarita Broadway - North Central

Phone - 919.264.3686
Facebook - Sarita at CFNC
Instagram - saritaatcfnc

[email protected]
Brittany Privott - Southeast

Phone - 910.280.1883
Facebook - Brittany at CFNC
Instagram - brittanyatcfnc

[email protected]
Jessica Hinsley - Sandhills

Phone - 910-836-0375
Facebook - Jess at CFNC
Instagram - jessatcfnc

[email protected]
Juana Hernandez-Lira - Special Populations, Immigrants

Phone - 919.799.3779
Facebook - Juana at CFNC
Instagram - juanaatcfnc

[email protected]
Dr. JuanEs Ramirez - Special Populations, Immigrants

Phone - 984.297.1032
Facebook - JuanEs at CFNC
Instagram - juanesatcfnc

[email protected]

Contact a CFNC Outreach Director

Devon McCarthy-James - Regional Outreach Director West

Phone - 828.712.9840

[email protected]
Paula Langston Ware - Regional Outreach Director East

Phone - 919.675.0173

[email protected]

Topics and services offered include:

  • Overview of CFNC services
  • Training for CFNC account creation
  • Linking to school or business websites
  • Financial aid workshops
  • FAFSA Completion/FAFSA Assistance
  • Career and college admission planning resources
  • Entrance and exit loan counseling assistance
  • Virtual Presentations
  • Information sessions on North Carolina's National College Savings Program (NC 529) 
  • Training and information on loans, grants, financial literacy, and more