Contact a CFNC Associate Outreach Director
The CFNC Outreach team leads efforts across the state to inform the public about College for North Carolina (CFNC) services and provide you with resources.

Phone - 252-402-6157
Facebook - Amy at CFNC
Instagram - amyatcfnc

Phone - 828-712-9840
Facebook - Brenda at CFNC
Instagram - brendaatcfnc

Phone - 336-402-5622
Facebook - Takeila at CFNC
Instagram - takeilaatcfnc

Phone - 704-281-3437
Facebook - Timeka at CFNC
Instagram - timekaatcfnc

Phone - 919-264-3686
Facebook - Sarita at CFNC
Instagram - saritaatcfnc

Phone - 910-280-1883
Facebook - Brittany at CFNC
Instagram - brittanyatcfnc

Phone - 910-836-0375
Facebook - Jess at CFNC
Instagram - jessatcfnc
Contact a CFNC Associate Outreach Director for Special Populations
Phone - 919.799.3779
Facebook - Juana at CFNC
Instagram - juanaatcfnc
Phone - 984.297.1032
Facebook - JuanEs at CFNC
Instagram - juanesatcfnc
Contact a CFNC Outreach Director
Topics and services offered include:
- Overview of CFNC services
- Training for CFNC account creation
- Linking to school or business websites
- Financial aid workshops
- FAFSA Completion/FAFSA Assistance
- Career and college admission planning resources
- Entrance and exit loan counseling assistance
- Virtual Presentations
- Information sessions on North Carolina's National College Savings Program (NC 529)
- Training and information on loans, grants, financial literacy, and more