CFNC Spanish Services
CFNC offers these free resources focusing on our Latino and migrant students in order to assist in their education goals.
CFNC: Spanish Services (Language: English - YouTube)
Spanish Services Webinars
(Language: English - YouTube)

Learn about the barriers and best practices to support Hispanic/Latino students' access to higher education.
Watch it now!
Look into the financial aid process for Hispanic and immigrant families from public and private institution perspectives.
Learn more today!
Discover the NC Residency Determination Service and what it entails for you.
Find information on NC Residency soon!
Discover the different policies and opportunities for Latino students in various Non-US statutes at NC Community Colleges
Find out what opportunities await you!
Explore the career training and higher education options for all students at NC Community Colleges.
Learn about the many options available now!
Look into how to build trust and relationships with your Hispanic, Latino and Latinx students.
Learn how now!(Language: Spanish)
- CFNC | Videos for Spanish Services E-Learning for Educators
- CFNC | Recursos en español para familias y estudiantes
Watch these today!
Printable Spanish Resources
(Language: Spanish)
- Cómo obtener su GED (How to obtain your GED)
- Cómo transferirse de un colegio comunitario a una universidad (Transfer Student)
- Educación continua (Continuing Education)
- Eligiendo una universidad (Choosing a College)
- Guía de estudios universitarios y planificacion de carreras (College and Career Planning Guide)
- Pasantías y otras formas de adquirir experiencia profesional (Exploring Careers)
- Pon la Universidad en tu Futuro (Put College in your Future/Middle School Brochure)
- Por ofertas enganosas de ayuda financiera (Don't Get Hooked Brochure)
- TOEFL: Examen de inglés como segunda lengua (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
- Tu lista de acciones para ir a la Universidad (High School Checklist for College)